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Mountain Bike


adrenaline and diabetes

The hormone adrenaline is often not particularly popular with diabetics because it causes blood sugar to rise due to nervousness, for example during exams. However, the full article makes it clear that adrenaline can do much more and can sometimes save lives.

Moderate vs. intermittent high-intensity exercise

It is known that in type 1 diabetics the blood sugar drops less with intermittent high-intensity training (IHT) than with moderate, constant loads. This is despite the fact that the overall performance of the IHT is much higher. But how exactly does the body's response to intermittent high-intensity versus moderate-constant exercise differ?

How does blood sugar behave under different loads?

Using two types of sport that differ in their demands on the body, it is explained how these stresses affect a diabetic metabolism. For example, why does blood sugar rise in some sports while it plummets in others?

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